Cairo Transport: Taxis

The meters in the old, black cabs of Cairo are obsolete. Calibrated in a time before a sharp rise in petrol prices, they are just ornaments for the vehicle, and somewhat of a design icon for people like me.

At first, as a fo…

Cairo Transport: Taxis

The meters in the old, black cabs of Cairo are obsolete. Calibrated in a time before a sharp rise in petrol prices, they are just ornaments for the vehicle, and somewhat of a design icon for people like me.

At first, as a foreigner, haggling is a necessity before opening the door; we have an inherent fear of taxi-drivers the world-over. But as one gets to know the place, and more importantly the prices, it is possible to adopt the Egyptian method: name the destination & get-in. Knowledge of the fare is implicit, and upon reaching the final-point, handing over the correct sum with a shukran, and a ma salama is all that is required. Talking money is a nasty business.