New York Times
In Wales, a Long-Dormant Course Springs to Life

Le Monde
Au Royaume-Uni, « manger ou se chauffer »
(In the UK, “to eat or to heat”)

Le Monde
« Bloody Sunday, la paix et des plaies »
(Bloody Sunday, peace and some wounds)

Le Monde
« A Leicester, un confinement sans fin »
(In Leicester, confinement without end)

New York Times
“A Brexit Ghost Port”

À Stoke-on-Trent, la fléchette élevée au rang « darts »
(In Stoke-on-Trent, darts raised to the rank of ‘art’)

Le Monde
« La nuit où le RoyaumeUni s’en est allé »
(Brexit: The night the UK left)

Le Monde
Scotland lost between Brexit and independence

Newsweek Japan
The Ghosts of the Polygon

Marie Claire (Mexico)
The end of innocence

In the shadow of nuclear sins [online version]

Le Monde
En Irlande du Nord, le Brexit ravive les douleurs du passé
(In Northern Ireland, Brexit revives past pains) [online, en français]

Le Monde
Près de Liverpool, le doute sur le Brexit s’installe
(Near to Liverpool, doubt about Brexit takes hold)

Soudan du Sud: « Comment lutter face à leurs tanks ? »
(South Sudan: "How can we fight when they have tanks?")

Terra Mater
"Die Rettung Des Bruders" (Saving Brothers)

Guardian (The long read)
"They can imprison us, they can kill us, but they can't shut us up"
(or, "Murder in Burundi: the man who knew too much")

International New York Times
"Divergent Interests Clash In Effort to Buy a Mountain"

The New York Times — Business Day
"Battling Amazon, Via China" (and online)

The New York Times
"Hate Speech Laws Test Facebook"

Daily Telegraph Magazine
Best of British
Silversmith Rauni Higson adds her own twist to a Christmas tree icicle

The New York Times
"A Pesticide Made in Britain, for Export Only"

The New York Times
"Europe Presses U.S. Tech Giants to Curb Online Hate Speech" (online)

The New York Times
"Divergent Interests Clash In Effort to Buy a Mountain"

Le Monde
"Au Burundi, dans les secrets des geôles"

Courrier Internacionale (Portugal)
"Dramas escondidos sob belas paisagens" (Drama hidden beneath beauty)

Esquire (Singapore)
"The Necessity of Legal Child Labour"

The Guardian
"For the exiles who fled Burundi's horror, the nightmare continues"

Le Monde
"Au bord du chaos" (Burundi)

Internazionale (Italy
"Il paese della paura" (The country of fear — Burundi)

The 5 Best Pictures of the Week

Neue Zürcher Zeitung am Sonntag
"Helden der Arbeit" (Work Angels)

« Au Burundi, masque ou crève »

Marie Claire (Belgium)
"Enfants de Bolivie" (Children of Bolivia)

Marie Claire (France)
"Le pays où les enfants sont des travailleurs (presque) comme les autres" (The country where children are workers (nearly) like the rest)

The New York Times | The Arts
"Arts Sanctuary in a War-Torn City"

Le Monde
"Au Kenya, les épineuses roses de la St. Valentin"
(In Kenya, St. Valentine's thorny roses)

The Atavist Magazine
The Doctor

Newsweek Japan
"The Little Workers of Bolivia"

"Carrying shadows"

Der Spiegel
"In failed freedom"

Et Land På Randen (Central African Republic)

Der Spiegel
"Martin Kobler's Krieg"

Vanity Fair (Italia)
"The Roots of Hatred"

Vanity Fair (Italia)
"Reminds you of us" - Poaching in Tanzania

El País
Aleppo, Syria

Le Monde
"Mogadishu - Shy Hope of Renaissance" - Geopolitique portfolio

The Africa Report
"The Phoenix Rises Again"

Le Monde
"Justice for the Mau Mau"

"It's precarious - I live with the minimum" — interview

TIME Lightbox
2013: The Year in 365 Pictures (DR Congo)

"Gently defying terror"

Le Figaro
"Imran Khan, seducing voters"

The Guardian
"UK to pay for crimes under imperial rule"

Jeune Afrique
"Only the private sector can launch productivity"

The Times
"Mother met by riot police as she marks son's unsolved death"

"Over the rainbow"

Le Monde
"In the east of DRC, the roadblock to Bukavu is threatened"

Le Monde
"A war of secrets in the east of Congo-Kinshasa"

"Goma, a town on the cusp of siege"

Sunday Telegraph
"s this Syria's Stalingrad?"

Goma, D. R. Congo

El Periódico
Misrata, Libya

"The Cocaine Crisis: How the Drug Trade is Ruining West Africa"

Sunday Times
"UK aid linked to "Terminator" terror"

"adaab, the only refuge from famine and violence"

"outh Sudan faces the democratic challenge"

"In South Kordofan, under the bombs of Khartoum"

Goma, D. R. Congo

The Times of London
Guinea-Bissau elections

Libération — Le Mag
"Belfast & Breakfast : The walk of the IRA"

Sunday Times - Spectrum
"We will remember them" — Tim Hetherington & Chris Hondros tribute

Jeune Afrique
"Le capital-investisseur Qalaa Holdings a achevé sa mue"

Libya Hurra !
« ournal d'un médecine en temps de guerre »
A book by Pierre Marie Vincent

Duzy Format
"Between Sudan and Sudan"

Libération — Le Mag
"15 days in the life of a nurse in Benghazi"

"Portrait Khalifa Eldursi — A Libyan Youth"

"Juba, window on an emerging nation"

The Wall Street Journal
"Startup Aims to Step to Head of the Class"

Jeune Afrique
Portrait of Christian de Faria - CEO of Airtel Kenya

Le Monde — Le Monde des réligions
"Belfast, in peace but still divided"

Le Monde — Le Monde des réligions
"Libya, the exodus of migrants"

Le Monde
"The Nairobi National Park on the verge of asphyxiation"

Vanity Fair (Italia)
"Sudan, the war is not over"

Bridge magazine
"A Glimmer of Hope for Somalia"

Telegraph — Travel
"Coming soon... Holidays in Mogadishu?"

Rift Valley Institute
"From CNDP to M23" — Usalama reports

Rift Valley Institute
"Pareco" — Usalama reports

Disasters Emergency Committee
London Tube — DEC East Africa Famine Appeal

Reutlinger Generalanzeiger
"Rendez-vous: Khartoum"

"endez-vous: Khartoum"