Imran Khan
At his home on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan

A Muslim community leader sits in Bossangoa during a meeting with humanitarian staff. People here said their number one priority was security, before even food aid.

Owen Basford
WWII veteran at his home in Shropshire, England

Kamungo Shembe
"I've been a fisherman since I was a child. My father was a fisherman. I do this because I have nothing else." — Goma, D. R. Congo

Dr. Joseph Nindorera at his home in Bujumbura, Burundi.

Amimata, advocating for greater HIV awareness

Jessica Hatcher
Feature-writer and journalist, in Berlin

Wesley Kirinya
Technical director and founder of Leti Games — Nairobi, Kenya

Sheikh Muhamed Tahrir ul-Qadri
The political campaigner and founder of Minhaj ul-Quran, at his office in Lahore, Pakistan

Tribal scarring — Bentiu, South Sudan

Gay-rights campaigner — Nairobi, Kenya

Patience Ndoke*
Miss. Ndoke was just 12 years old when CNDP rebels entered her family's home in 2008, raping and subsequently killing her mother — eastern D. R. Congo
* name changed

Khalifa Eldursi
Libyan geologist, caught up in revolution — Benghazi, Libya

The Sudanese singer, photographed during the Mogadishu Music Festival

Fighter with the Maï-Maï Nyatura — eastern D. R. Congo

Abdul Rahman
Twenty year-old soldier with the Somali National Army. Mogadishu, Somalia

Mohamed Abdi Hassan, a.k.a. "Afweyne"
The former pirate "king-pin" is photographed at his home in Mogadishu, July 2013, prior to his arrest in Belgium.

A child celebrates the end of Ramadan with a toy gun in northern Syria

Helema Guy
Goat-herders bringing their animals to a scheme that will see them paid for their animals, and then provided with their meat, during the drought in 2011 — Northern Kenya

The bodyguard of former M23 president, Bishop Jean-Marie Runiga

Colonel Mirimo Korini
An APCLS Mai-Mai commander, near to the village of Shasha, in eastern D. R. Congo

Cecilie Thorsen
Managing Director, BoConcept Nairobi

A Congolese lady sits on a bed in a dilapidated room in the Kiliwa health centre — northern D. R. Congo

Abu Mariam
On the launch of the "Ibn Walid" katiba — Marea, northern Syria

Hassan Ali
A Somali who has walked for days to reach the Kenyan refugee camp of Dadaad — photographed near the Somali border, where he still has over 100km to walk to Dadaab

Waiting for hair extensions to be fitted — Lubumbashi, D. R. Congo

A policeman stands in riot gear during South Sudan's Independence Day, July 9th 2011

Ali Mohamed Musa
The brother of the late Aboud Rogo — near Mombasa, Kenya

Ator Cecilia
Mrs. Cecilia lost three sons when they were abducted by the LRA in 1996. "Up to now, I don't know where they are," she says, "my mind can never be peaceful" — northern Uganda

M23 Rebel Soldier
Overlooking the town of Bunagana in eastern D. R. Congo on the Ugandan border